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Convert Epoch number of days to readable

Ok, first here is one script that gives you both ways :

CURRENT_EPOCH=`grep $USER /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f3`

# Print  when PW last changed
CHANGED=`perl -e "print scalar localtime($CURRENT_EPOCH * 24 *3600);"`
MDY=`perl -e "use POSIX qw(strftime); print scalar strftime('%m/%d/%y', localtime($CURRENT_EPOCH * 24 *3600));"`

# echo "$USER's password on $HOST expires in $EXPIRE days"
echo "$USER - password Last changed $CHANGED ($MDY) ."

So, assuming $CURRENT_EPOCH is 14216 (i.e. from /etc/shadow) :

perl -e "print scalar localtime($CURRENT_EPOCH * 24 *3600);"

results in an output like :

Tue Dec  2 18:00:00 2008

So to format it into MM/DD/YY format, do :

perl -e "use POSIX qw(strftime); print scalar strftime('%m/%d/%y', localtime($CURRENT_EPOCH * 24 *3600));

the output will be :


Use %Y instead of %y if you want full year displayed [2008 instead of 08].